Thursday, September 25, 2014

Spare Bedroom Reno

So our spare bedroom was a bit of a disaster. It used to be a kids room.. Then was transformed into a junk storage room. As we are in need of a spare bedroom for guests I decided to tackle it.

Not quite complete, however it has come a long way... To put it in perspective, this is how it started out as:

Yes, I know what you're thinking... It looks like an episode of hoarders with lime green walls. You're right. It was horrible, hence why it had to go.

The first thing to go was the lime green walls:

Then came in the laminate dark wood flooring (which if you are wanting to try in your house, don't feel intimidated. It is SUPER easy to do... Even I did it all by myself) :

I then decided to do my own version of a "pallet wall" which in my case was just a bunch of 1"x 6" boards from Home Depot. To be fair I attepted to use pallet wood but they were terribly hard to take apart. 

And taadaa!

I then went on a shopping spree at ikea, and furnished the rest of the room! (Except for the dresser... I'll have to show you that one in another post)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Flagstone Fire Pit Patio

I tend to take on projects that are way to big for me and then finish them in a weekend. This firepit is a prime example.

Don't get me wrong, a tire rim in the middle of your lawn is totally cool for a fire pit. However, I wanted to try something a little more esthetically pleasing.

I managed to get my husband to help me with the first couple steps and he leveled off an area in our yard that was on a slope. We then packed the bottom with gravel and sand.

This is where he became conveniently busy and I managed to arrange the stones and flagstone around pit.

Then I filled it in with sand, planted a few things around it... And project done.

Here it is now after things have settled a bit.